October 2017 is National Biosafety Month. National Biosafety Month was launched in 2014 to foster institutional awareness of, and commitment to, biosafety policies, practices, and procedures. National Biosafety Month is an opportunity for institutions to highlight the importance of biosafety and undertake activities to strengthen their biosafety programs. The theme for this year is “promoting biosafety through good governance.”
To help ensure institutions have robust biosafety oversight governance structures in place, the Federal Experts Security Advisory Panel (FESAP) has developed a document articulating a number of guiding principles and best practices for biosafety and biosecurity governance. The document Guiding Principles for Biosafety Governance: Ensuring Institutional Compliance with Biosafety, Biocontainment, and Laboratory Biosecurity Regulations and Guidelines also provides an overview of the Federal regulations, requirements, and guidelines that pertain to biosafety and biosecurity in the U.S. and a description of some of the voluntary laboratory accreditation systems. Finally, this document provides a description of the biosafety and biosecurity oversight frameworks that are in place at the institutional level for ensuring compliance with federal requirements and guidelines.
During National Biosafety Month, institutions are encouraged to review this and other S3 resources, and implement any best practices that may help strengthen their programs of oversight.
Questions about National Biosafety Month can be directed to staff in the NIH Office of Science Policy by emailing NIHGuidelines@od.nih.gov.