The following documents provide additional details on the process and functionality of the RISC Toolkit.
The Reference Guide provides a brief introduction to the components of the RISC Toolkit, followed by detailed explanations of the calculations performed within each of the RISC Toolkit modules and the Dashboard Navigator. Users can refer to this guide to get a better understanding of how risk is calculated and how the RISC Toolkit modules are linked together. For additional information and assistance, the user should consult the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document.
The Threat/Hazard Assessment Module Narrative (THAM) is a technical explanation of the methodology used during the first Toolkit module. The THAM provides users with objective, freely-accessible data sources and step-by-step instructions for rating the likelihood of a variety of threats and hazards, including intentional malicious acts, natural hazards, and unintentional manmade events. As such, the THAM Narrative describes in detail how these data sources are incorporated into the Toolkit.