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Using the Nintex Live Catalog

The Nintex Live Catalog displays the list of available services that can be added to the workflow toolbox.

The list of services include a mix of free and paid for services. For example, StrikeIron are a subscription based provider. Most StrikeIron services offer a free trial of a limited number of calls per service. Any further usage will require paid subscriptions to be arranged directly with StrikeIron.

The Service Information (located at the right of the Catalog) will state if the service is free or paid and if registration is required to use the service.

Browsing the Catalog

When browsing the Catalog, a number of options are available to help narrow down the services that you may be interested in.


Tabs that are located on the top right of the Catalog provide a quick way to change the focus of the Catalog:

  • Browse: Lists all the services that are available.
  • What's new?: Lists services that have been released in the last 7 days.
  • Search: Provides the ability to search for services using advanced options.


The services can be sorted in ascending or descending order by the following:

  • Title: The title of the service.
  • Release date: The date that the service was published. If a new version of the service is published, the release date will reflect the new published date.
  • Rating: The average rating of the service that has been given by a users within the organization or by all Nintex Live users. This is dependent on the ratings and comments that have been set in the Catalog settings.


The filter option narrows down the list of services that are displayed in the Catalog.

  • Category: The category of the service.
  • Price: The cost to use the service. A service can either be free, paid or have a trial available.
  • Service scope: The scope of the service in relation to the region it may be useful for. i.e. a service which may only be useful in Australia will be listed as Region specific. This however does not restrict the usage of the service from users outside of Australia.
  • Minimum rating: The minimum average rating of a service.


To search for services, use the search box located on the top right of the Catalog or use the Search tab which provides advanced options to narrow down the search scope. The search query only searches against the service title and description. Searches do not include the comments made for the services.

Rating and Commenting

In the Catalog, ratings and comments of services made by users (within the organization or from outside the organization) may be displayed. The displaying of the rating and comments is set at an administration level. Users browsing the Catalog would be able to:

  • View ratings and comments of a service
  • Post ratings and comments for a service 


To view the rating and comments of a service:

Click on the Show most recent ratings and comments link for the service. This will display the three most recent rating and comments that have been made for the service. The View all ratings and comments displays all the ratings and comments of the service, including any ratings and comments made about the previous version(s) of the service.


When posting a rating and comment, the user's domain username will be displayed with the rating and comments made when it is viewed by users within the organization. The option to put an Alias will be available if ratings and comments have been set to all Nintex Live users (includes users outside the organization).

To post a rating and comment for a service:

Click on the Rate and comment link for the service.

  • Rating: The rating for the service. A rating of at least 1 star must be selected.
  • Comments: Comments about the service. To comment, the service must be rated.
  • Alias: The alias will be displayed to external Nintex Live users. However, the domain username will be displayed to users in your organization. Note: The alias will only be displayed if the rating and comments settings have been set to all Nintex Live users (includes users outside the organization).

A user can only make a rating and comment once. By rating and commenting on the service again, the previous rating and comments that was made will be displayed and the user will be able to modify them.

Adding and removing services

For help on adding and removing services, please refer to Adding and removing services topic.

Using the Nintex Live Catalog