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Manage content databases

This help topic provides instructions for administrators on viewing existing database mappings and changing the mappings. It also describes selections on related pages. 

Viewing database mappings for site collections 

This section provides instructions for viewing the Nintex Workflow content databases mapped to the SharePoint site collections. 

To view database mappings for site collections: 
  1. Access the Nintex Workflow Database Setup page: On the Central Administration Home page, click Nintex Workflow Management; in the Nintex Workflow Management section, click Database setup
  2. On the Nintex Workflow Database Setup page, under Content Databases, click View database mappings.

Mapping content databases

This section provides instructions for mapping SharePoint content databases to Nintex Workflow content databases. 

Each SharePoint content database corresponding to site collections using Nintex Workflow must be mapped to a Nintex Workflow content database. The Nintex Workflow content database that you map to a given SharePoint content database affects all site collections within that SharePoint content database. The mapping you specify is applied when the Nintex Workflow feature is activated on site collections within the SharePoint content database. Changing the mapping affects new site collections only; original mapping is retained for existing site collections in the SharePoint content database. 

To change the mapping for existing site collections on a given SharePoint content database, use the NWAdmin operation MoveData. This operation moves existing workflow progress data to a different Nintex Workflow content database. Using this operation is helpful when you want to keep all site collection data together. For instructions on how to implement a 1-to-1 mapping for an existing site collection already using Nintex Workflow, see the Nintex Connect article Splitting existing SharePoint and Nintex Content Databases. For more information on the MoveData operation, see NWAdmin Operations - Nintex Workflow 2013 on Nintex Connect. 

You can view mapping by site collection using the View database mappings page. 

All data generated from a given site collection is stored within the mapped Nintex Workflow content database. By default (if automatic mapping is enabled via Global Settings), when a workflow is first run on a site collection, a content database is selected automatically based on how many site collections it already contains.

When each mapped Nintex Workflow content database is specified, its connection string is configured. Properties of the connection string include the SQL Server database server, the database name, and the authentication settings.

Note: Using multiple content databases helps spread the load for environments with complex or high-traffic workflows running on multiple SharePoint content databasesIn small farm scenarios it is reasonable to use the same database for the content and configuration databases.

Note: Configure licensing before configuring database settings.

To map content databases: 
  1. Access the Nintex Workflow Database Setup page: On the Central Administration Home page, click Nintex Workflow Management; in the Nintex Workflow Management section, click Database setup
  2. On the Nintex Workflow Database Setup page, under Content Databases, click Manage database mappings.
  3. The SharePoint content databases are listed on the page. You can map each one to an existing or new Nintex Workflow content database. 
  4. To map a SharePoint content database to an existing Nintex Workflow content database, select the database from the drop-down list under ​Map to Workflow Content Database.
  5. ​To map a SharePoint content database to a new Nintex Workflow content database, do the following. 
    1. Select ​Add content database from the drop-down list under Map to Workflow Content Database. 
    2. In the Add content database page, enter the database server, name, and other settings. 
    3. Click OK to go back to the Manage Database Mappings page. 
      The added content database is mapped.
  6. Click OK.

Adding content databases

For instructions on adding content databases, see Database settings.

Note: You can also add Nintex Workflow content databases from the Manage Database Settings page. See the previous section. ​

Setting parameters of content databases

You can set parameters of Nintex Workflow content databases, including the MultiSubnetFailover parameter for AlwaysOn, using the NWAdmin operation UpdateContentDatabaseParameters. For more information on this and other NWAdmin operations, see the NWAdmin Guide at https://community.nintex.com/docs/DOC-1026.

To set parameters for a content database

  1. Run the NWAdmin operation UpdateContentDatabaseParameters for your database name, server, and parameters.
    For example, to set the
    content database "MyContentDB" on the server "MyServer" to AlwaysOn, run the operation as follows. 
    NWAdmin.exe –o UpdateContentDatabaseParameters –serverName MyServer -databaseName MyContentDB -newParameters "MultiSubnetFailover=True"​
  2. Run the IISreset command to implement the changes.
    Parameters for content databases are listed on the Database Setup page in Central Administration. For more information on this page, 
    see Database settings.

Field descriptions

This section describes selections on the following pages. 
  • View Database Mappings
  • Manage Database Mappings 

For descriptions of selections on the Nintex Workflow Database Setup and Add content database pages, see Database settings.
For descriptions of selections on the Change configuration database page, see Manage the configuration database.

View Database Mappings page

This section describes the View Database Mappings page.
Use this page to determine which Nintex Workflow content database stores the data for each SharePoint site collection. 
Section Description
Lists SharePoint site collections. 
Workflow Database Lists the Nintex Workflow content database that are mapped​ to the SharePoint site collections.

Manage Database Mappings page

This section describes selections on the Manage Database Mappings page.
Use this page to map content databases. 
Section Selection Description
​​SharePoint Content Database
(N/A) Lists SharePoint content databases.
Map to Workflow Content Database Any available workflow content database ​Maps the SharePoint content database to any available Nintex Workflow content database. 
Note: Availability of this selection is controlled by Global Settings.
Map to Workflow Content Database Add content database ​Displays the Add content database page for adding Nintex Workflow content databases.
Map to Workflow Content Database​ ​(existing Nintex Workflow content database) ​Maps the SharePoint content database to the selected Nintex Workflow content database.

Manage content databases